Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I find myself...

In bed.
My cats are curled up next to me.
In a Motel 6.
Off the highway.
In Medford, OR.

This is weird.
And the sweetness has kind of 
faded away, leaving 
behind the bitter.

I am without a doubt making the right decision.
I know I need to do this.
The thing is that...
I am not yet sure why...

I don't want to be proving anything to myself.
I don't want to be doing this because I owe
it to myself to do it.

I want to do this because I want to do this.
Currently, I am very much wanting to do this
and very much not wanting to do this.

One thing is for certain...
I am going to do this.
And we'll see what happens.

Updates to come! Keep checkin' in!

Love to all y'alls!

xo liz

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