Friday, September 7, 2012

gettin' on my soap box heeeya.

I'm a woman.
Heyyyyyyyy super surprised, right??

And today, I chose to wear a dress.

when wearing a short dress/skirt,
I will wear shorts underneath.
This is partially to do with comfort
(I do not like me that crotch oven that occurs when I wear a skirt. 

This is also to protect against the possibility of
my lady parts being exposed at some point,
either by crossing/uncrossing my legs,
bending down,
or standing up from having sitting.

Wearing shorts is a lot more comfortable for me than 
wearing a skirt, 
so... I wear shorts underneath the skirt/dress,
and it automatically makes me more comfortable.

Today, I am wearing a dress, with shorts underneath.
And today, oddly,
(or maybe not too oddly)
 I am seeing a bunch of pictures/messages
about rape.

They're about rape,
and they're about the equal treatment of women.

When I initially saw this first picture,
I immediately thought about how I feel when I wear a dress/skirt.

Growing up,
I can vividly recall feeling quite anxious when
I'd go to school in a skirt or dress.
I'd love to wear them, 
but I remember 
that I would be gawked at.
A boy, or several boys, would cat call me,
and that I would often put my sweatshirt, coat, 
or anything big and bulky,
over my legs to draw attention away from them.
I even remember arranging with other girlfriends to wear
a skirt/dress on the same day, 
since it would spread the attention out a bit.

Why such a reaction from these boys?
Was there a switch that I turned on the second I walked into a room with my legs exposed?
But, not only with my legs exposed,
but with the added possibility of my underwear being seen
because I was wearing a skirt.

Why was this such a thing?
Why couldn't I just wear what I wanted, without fear of
humiliation, confusion, or degradation?

I should, honestly, be allowed to wear
and feel as comfortable and as accepted as I would
if I wore a puffy, fluffy snow suit.

And it shouldn't just offend me and other women that we can't 
feel comfortable wearing whatever we want.
The flip side of this is that 
I assume
that men won't be able to behave in a 
controlled, polite, and civilized manner
when me or any woman wears a skirt or dress,
or tight-fitted clothing even.

Curious how that would make men feel....

Wouldn't they feel disrespected,
knowing I think they are so incapable of
acting or behaving
 with respect and dignity 
toward me and other women, 
and that they would risk legal action or even jail time
 just to say something utterly rude,
and ultimately, insignificant?

I mean,
do men get dates out of this behavior?
"Yes! I am so happy to have found a man
who FINALLY makes
me feel like the slut that I am!!"

If I were them,
I would be pretty offended that 
it was assumed I was a dick.. and nothing but that.

Stepping off dat soap box.

liz xo

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